Le Surréalisme à Santorin. Mythes et légendes. Galerie d'Art surréaliste, Cyclades, Grèce.

Le Surréalisme à Santorin. Mythes et légendes. Galerie d’Art surréaliste, Cyclades, Grèce.

Contacter l'organisateur

Philippe Leclerc is a surrealist artist, born in 1961 in Paris.
Through the themes evoked in his creations of symbolic or surrealist style, Philippe Leclerc asks us essential questions especially about Man, his mysterious origins, his place in the Universe, and our terrestrial ecosystem in peril.

Philippe Leclerc proposes another look at Nature, the Universe and Man, in drowning us by his amazing graphic parables into our questions and our deepest beliefs …

In one of the most mystical places on Earth, Santorini, Philippe Leclerc offers us a reflection on our origins within a multidimensional space-time.

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