Laurette Succar – Artist Book Workshop 2/ Venice Art Biennial 2022 “Personal Structures”

Laurette Succar – Artist Book Workshop 2/ Venice Art Biennial 2022 “Personal Structures”

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‘Artist’s Book: Material for Poetry’ with Laurette Succar.
Event organized by ECC Italy as part of the Venice Art Biennial 2022.

Join artist Laurette Succar for a creative workshop at Marinaressa Gardens.

Visual artist, painter and author, Laurette Succar is also editor of artists books with more than a hundred titles published since 2009.
The second chapter of this workshop invites participants to explore the multiple forms and materials borrowed by the artist’s book. Mixing writing and plastic intervention – drawing, painting, collage, sewing, etching, etc – the book becomes a space for experimentation. Fertile ground for the imagination, it opens up the fields of possibility and sharing.

“During the 7 months period of Venice Art Biennial 2022, multiple events will punctuate ‘Personal Structures’ Exhibition : talks, performances, workshops and many other interactive propositions are going to take place in order to generate a conversation about the contemporary art’s developments, concepts and concerns.”

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