- Du 16/02/2023 au 22/02/2023
- Site de l'événement
- Organisateur : Emmanuelle FAVEREAU
International Contemporary Art exhibition
2023 FEBRUARY, 16th
Concept by Art Curator Francesca Brunello
“Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.”
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
An interference is the superposition of two co-operating phenomena and the subsequent summation or elision of their effects. Interference derives from the English to interfere ‘to cause interference’ and from the Latin ĭnter ‘between’ and ferīre ‘to strike’; originally the ‘bumping’ of one hoof against another, referring to the horse. In communication, interference is any action exerted by a foreign signal, resulting in disturbance and alteration of meaning. It can be a meeting of different, mostly discordant actions, initiatives, interests, ideas, which nevertheless tend to affect each other, often leading to conflict. According to Friedrich Hegel, without conflict there is neither affirmation nor identity. The dialectic, being the artificer of this, cannot but allow us to always acquire new awareness, creating a path that accompanies our entire existence towards a continuous evolution of the self. This makes us realize how much the disturbance of an unexpected signal can actually foster a renewal, changing what had been planned or what we imagined it could be. Interference has always been a part of life and the unpredictability of the future seems to make everything unstable and misleading. In today’s society, where everything flows faster and faster, it becomes increasingly complicated to propose something that has never been seen and that no one has yet invented, because everything seems to derive from an infinity of re-elaborations and re-propositions. But what is Art if not the manifestation of an interference or conflict? From what does the artist’s idea arise? What a work of art carries with it has an inescapable value, because it stems from a stratification of conflicts and an incessant awakening of consciousness. Art has always been influenced by history and it becomes its expression: the aggressiveness of Abstract Expressionism, where color is distributed or thrown onto the canvas with the use of the body, or Picasso’s choice to portray his subjects by breaking them up into shapes, would never have existed if there had not been some interference such as, for example, war or the need to break away from the normality of that time. The need itself stems from a conflict and an awareness that with time modifies and develops, sinking the roots for new ideas or solutions into the soil of contemporaneity. The contemporary artist experiences a reality full of ever new information, which allows him to evolve. Like an antenna, he picks up signals and interferences become like vibrations to be imprinted and transferred into his poetic. The wounds and scars of the past and present, whether internal or external to his body, become sources of inspiration, motifs for analysis and research. What interferes in the artist’s life changes his personality and consequently his style and choice of expression. The artist’s ability lies precisely in knowing how to evolve, riding the wave of contamination and allowing even the most imperceptible interferences to reverberate among the frequencies of his creativity, affirming his identity even more. M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, asks the artists to reflect on which interferences have most profoundly marked their research and to present to the public those works that they consider to be most imbued with conflict, with the intention of creating new ruptures and giving life to new archetypes