
Antonius WILLEMS

WEBLEMIII2020 Wie die Elbe Breit und Leer Einströmt in das Meer III 2020

I went to Hamburg to see the river.
The landscape far and wide under the white, bright light of the north.
There I saw the Elbe pass lazily through endless lowlands.
The lead gray sky low on the flat silver river.

Then I heard a voice in the middle of infinity.
It was a woman.
The ship she was sailing on came downstream.
She was alone on deck, she was at the helm.

And what she sang, I heard that it were Psalms.
Oh, I thought, is my mother there?
‘Praise God,’ she sang, ‘his hand will keep you’.*

*after Martinus Nijhoff (1884-1953)/Hendrik Marsman (1899-1940)

  • Prix indicatif : 40000 euros
  • Technique : Acrylic
  • Sujet : The white and bright light of the north
  • Discipline : Painting
  • Support et matériaux : Canvas/Birdnet
  • Année de création : 2020
  • Dimensions : 200 x 200 x 3 cm
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