Antonius WILLEMS

Antonius WILLEMS (1954 Nijmegen, the Netherlands) is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Art and Design of the Netherlands.

Antonius Willems (1954 Nijmegen, the Netherlands) has spent the past 45 years gradually developing an extensive œuvre as an international sculptor and painter.

His recent work shows simple patterns based on repetition with a subtle change of shape and movement.

‘His intimate approach to art, directed by a highly refined formal sensibility, gives his quiet and disarmingly simple compositions a delicacy of colour and extraordinary subtlety of design.

The paintings of this artists’ artist convey a mood of contemplative repose reminiscent of the work of Giorgio Morandi, whom he admired’.

Hadley Jermann

Disciplines Peinture
Sujet Composition abstraite
Support et matériaux
Tendances Art conceptuel
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Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
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