(in english below)
Véronique Sapin est plasticienne (vidéos, installations, photos, encre) et commissaire d’exposition. Depuis 1995, ses oeuvres ont participé à plus de 250 évènements dans une quarantaine de pays (galeries, musées, centres d’art, biennales, festivals). Elle collabore comme membre de jury dans des festivals (ex FNCNM à Montréal - octobre 2016) ; elle a présidé le jury du WCA 5th International Video Shorts à Los Angeles ; elle prend part à des conférences sur la vidéo-d’art (Liban, Philippines, Chypre, Canada…). Véronique Sapin est également cofondatrice et coordinatrice du collectif international FemLink-Art depuis 2005 auquel ont accepté de participer 143 artistes de 63 pays. Elle a initié d’importants partenariats avec des institutions telles que l’Unesco pour la formation d’artistes du continent africain.
Démarche : Jusqu'à l'âge de 22 ans, les cours de danse ont occupé tous les temps libres de Véronique Sapin et ont orienté ses premiers projets professionnels. La pratique de la danse d'abord classique puis jazz, contemporaine et africaine s'est muée par la suite en questionnement sur le mouvement, sa trace et sa mémoire, à travers toutes ses productions artistiques.
La vidéo est apparue tout naturellement comme le medium idéal pour appréhender, saisir, circonscrire et participer au mouvement. Véronique Sapin travaille avec ce medium depuis 1994 et crée ses propres bandes son. La manipulation de l'image en mouvement est devenue pour l'artiste un acte de chorégraphie des formes et de leurs lignes. L'artiste applique la même recherche aux images fixes qu'elle extrait de ses vidéos selon leur qualité "essentielle" comme on le dit d'une huile essentielle. Elle intervient sur la substance de leurs formes et de leurs lignes et les installe naturellement dans une chorégraphie.
C'est aussi la vidéo qui a permis à Véronique Sapin d'apprécier les qualités de diffusion de l'encre lors d'une expérience avec cette matière. Les images de ses déplacements et de ses réactions selon les supports ont convaincu l'artiste de travailler avec elle. Véronique Sapin a atteint son niveau de maîtrise de l'encre à la suite de ses années passées à Singapour auprès de l'artiste Lim Choon Jin.
Pour elle, vidéo, photo et encre partagent la même capacité à saisir le mouvement en train de s’accomplir. Parce-que ce mouvement peut engendrer de l'inconnu donc de l’incertitude, il lui sert de vocabulaire pour parler de la vulnérabilité, thème central de son travail.
"Je cherche un laps qui se situe juste entre un avant et un après. Un moment en suspension qui recèle le potentiel du mouvement suivant et que je peux entrevoir."
LISTE DES LIEUX DE DIFFUSION DES OEUVRES DEPUIS 10 ANS (voir sur le site pour la liste en deçà de 10 ans)
- Sweden, Stockholm - Galerii Duerr (12 nov-12 December) (Secret, Lie and Deaths) :
- Netherlands, Rotterdam - IFFR
- France, Marseille - 33ème Instant Vidéo - Friche Belle de Mai (November 15th) (Every Day Superstars)
- Romania, Timisoara -Garment Command (Oct 13 -Nov 13) - (Lines of Harmony)
- Slovenia, Ljubljana - Alkatraz Gallery 28 May to 19 June (Dead Letters) + (The Reason for Hope)
- Singapore, NTU Centre for Contemporary Art - "Studio 37", 20 - 26 September, Curator Kay Syng Tan (Secret, Lie and Deaths)+( The Tourist)
- Austria, Ruden - MAB Museum am Bach (Carte-Blanche) - (Every Day Superstars)
- Slovenia, Photon Gallery (6 june) curated by Vesna Bukovec (Dead Letters)
- Costa Rica, Women's Museum for the International Museum Day (18-31 May) (And Yet, Nothing)
- Italy, Milan - [.BOX Space], 12 May (Secret, Lie and Deaths)
- Czech Republic, Prague, Gallery Water Tower at Letna - 15 January - 15 February (Secret, Lie and Deaths) + (Female-Females) + (Caricatures and Males)
- Spain, Pontevedra - Culturgal Feira das Industrias Culturais, December Festival (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Kazakhstan, Almaty - Psychosfera - (15th September) (Secret, Lies and Deaths)
- USA, Fitchburg, Gallery Sitka (22 November) (The Caricatures)
- Spain, O Porrino - Ciclo Cans todo o ano, October (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- USA, Fitchburg, Gallery Sitka (20 october) (Female - Females)
- Argentina, Corrientes, Centro Cultural, PLAY (Secret, Lies and Deaths) (August 24-31)
- Spain, Barcelona, Nudo Festival de poesia visual (April 20) (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Netherland, Rotterdam International Film Festival (Secret, Lies and Deaths)
- Peru, Film Festival Alestedelima, May 26 to June 3 2018 (Caricatures)
- Spain, Santiago de Compostela - SELIC 2018, May (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Spain, A Coruna - Fundación Luis Seoane, April (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Hungaria, Budapest, Görbe Bögre Gallery, curator Beata Szechy, 26 August - 02 September (One Leaf, One Tree, One Fight)
- USA - Galatea Gallery in Boston (March 24) (Femme-Femmes)
- Senegal, Dak'art, May (Secret, Lies and Deaths)
- Serbia, Belgrad, Cultural Centre Parobrod (15-16-17 January) (The Reason for Hope)
- Ireland, Galway, the Galway Arts Centre (6 january) (Female-Females)
- Spain, Cans, O Porriño - Festival de Cans (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Spain, Vigo - Poemaria Festival Internacional de Poesía (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Spain, O Courel - Festival dos Eidos (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Spain, Cordoba - Festival Cosmopoética (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Spain, Valencia - La Cabina, Festival Internacional de Mediometrajes de Valencia (I am turning my face - curator Versogramas)
- Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Addis Video Art Festival (Dec 24 - January 3 2018) (FEMALE)
- Italy, Milan, .BOX space, 13-21 December (The Reason for Hope)
- France, Paris, MBG Gallery, "La Nuit Blanche" (Secret, Lie and Death) - (October 7th)
- Ireland, Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan Co. Clare Ireland (Female-Females) (October 4th)
- Espagne, Madrid, Proyector Festival (I am turning my face towards you) (9 September)
- France, Marseille, Les Instants Vidéo (November 11th) (Philosophie du Verbe)
- Argentina, Museo de la Mujer, Curator : Graciela Tejero Coni, 22 November - 12 December (I am turning my face towards you and the series of photographies, "the Scream")
- Argentina, Corientes - Play, Semana de Videoarte (22-29 September) (Female-Females)
- Egypt, Cairo, Medrar for Contemporary Art (24 August) (Femme-Femmes)
- Argentina, Museo de la Mujer, Curator : Graciela Tejero Coni, June 13-16th (I am turning my face towards you)
- France - Lille - Amphithéatre du Palais des Beaux - Curateur Heure Exquise! (March 16) (Philosophia of the Verb)
- Canada, Montréal (Qc), Musée de la Femme (And then...Nothing)
- USA, Nashua (New Hampshire), Healingincolor (March) (Philosophia of the Verb)
- France, Paris, Gallery Mamia Bretésché, January (Female-Females)
- Canarias Islands, Espacioenter, (December 12th to 18th) (The Tourist)
- Iran, Isfahan, Aknoon Art Gallery (November 18-29) (The Tourist +The Doubt + Female-Females)
- Spain, Toledo, Circulo de Arte (November 13) (The Dead Letters + The Tourist)
- Colombia, Cali - VIS A VIS Muestra Internacional de Videoarte (October 5) (The "WE" game)
- Canada, Montreal - Festival du Nouveau Cinema (October 13th) (Caricatures)
- Kazakhstan, Almaty, Tengri Umai Art-Gallery, September 22th (Female-Females)
- Argentina, Corientes - Play, Semana de Videoarte (September 16-27) (Caricatures + Too Much)
- Colombia, Cartagena - VIS A VIS Muestra Internacional de Videoarte (September 15, 16 et 17 (The WE game)
- Lithuania, "Kaunas in Art", Cinema Center Romuva and Gallery POST (September-October) (The Tourist + Female-Females)
- Iran, Tehran - Azad Art Gallery (August 19-21) (The Doubt + Female-Females)
- Argentina, Museo de la Mujer (10th June) (Female-Females)
- Senegal, Dak'Art Biennale, (May-June) (Female-Females)
- France - Lille - Amphithéatre du Palais des Beaux - "Soirée Vidéos de Véronique Sapin", organisée par Heure Exquise! - March 30th
- USA, March 23rd, 2016 at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire (Female-Females)
- Croatia, French Institut (March 8th) (Female-Females)
- Puerto-Ricco, Area Lugar de Proyectos (March 5, 2016) (Female-Females)
- Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, KLEX experimental Film, Vidéo, Music Festival (The Impossible Arch)
- Canarias Islands, Espacioenter, (December 4th to 13th) (Femme-Femmes)
- Germany, Oberhausen Film Festival ("I am turning my face towards you") (May 2th, curator Heure Exquise)
- Serbia, Belgrad, Art Centre ("I am turning my face towards you") (20 April, curator Heure Exquise)
- Serbia, Novi Sad, Museum of Contemporary Art ("I am turning my face towards you") (25 April, curator Heure Exquise)
- France, Toulouse, Traverse Vidéo (18-31 March): "Soif de Colombe".
- France, Clermont Ferrand - Videoformes - (March): "Femmes Effacées / Erased Women"
- Cyprus, Nicosia, Artos Foundation (16 october) (Female-Females)
- USA, Plymouth, The Karl Drerup Gallery, State Univesity (November 4 - December 11) (Female-Females)
- Finland, Helsinki, Galleria Huuto - space Pikkujätkä (15th June to 5th July)
- USA, Plymouth (New Hampshire) State University with the WCA "Force of Nature exhibition (July 16) (The Dead Letters)
- Spain, Bilbao, Espacio Puerta, June 10th (Female-Females)
- Hungaria, Budapest, MAMU Gallery, curator Beata Szechy, June 12 - July 3 (And Then... Nothing)
- Croatia, Zagreb, Dokukino (30 May) (Caricatures, Female-Females)
- USA, Gardner (MA) - GALA Art Center (February 27th) (AGGRESSION)
- France, Paris, Mamia Bretesche Gallery (April 4-11) ((all the videos-collages)
- France, Issy Les Moulineaux - Le Cube (2 avril) (Female-Females)
- France, Lille, Palais des Beaux Arts (14 avril) (Female-Females)
- Congo Brazzaville, Les Ateliers Sahm (November 14-15) (FRA, PREO, Caricatures + WOND)
- Czech Republic, Prague, Nod Art-Centre (November 20 to December 18) (PREO-RES)
- France, Marseille, Friche la Belle de Mai, "Instants-Vidéo" (November, 9-11) :-"The Tourist" + "I am turning my face towards you".
- France, Lille, Palais des Beaux-Arts (October 16) - "The Tourist", "I am turning my face towards you"
- France, Toulouse, "Mois de la Photo" - Manifesto/Musée des Augustins (September)
- USA, Worcester, Massachusetts - ArtsWorcester -(Sept. 27th) (AGGRESSION)
- Ecuador, Quito, Centro de Arte Contemporàneo (September 12th) (VITAL, WOND)
- Lithuania, Kaunas, Gallery POST, "Kaunas in Art", (September 17h to October 7th.) (VITAL)
- Italy, Abano, associazione Culturale Khorakhanè - "So Far, So Good" (August 16th)
- France, Paris, Mamia Bretesché Gallery - "Marais-Digital" (June 14th to 17th - The Tourist)
- USA, Worcester, Massachusetts - ArtsWorcester (June 14th - Caricatures)
- Ukraine, Kyiv International Short Film Festival - (May 21-25) (And Then... Nothing + - VITAL)
- Senegal, Dakar - Dak'Art - Biennale of contemporary Art - Institut Français (May 10th to 17th) (And Then... Nothing + PREO, MALE, WOND)
- USA, Denver, Colorado - ART HERE (May 9th - Caricatures)
- Mauritius - French Institut (April 28th : all the videos-collages)
- Slovenia, Ljubljana, Photon Gallery (March 25) WOND
- Czech Republic, Prague, Nod Art-Centre (March 6-18 = PREO); (March 20-30 = RES)
- Ecuador, Quito, Centro de Arte Contemporàneo (March 8th) VITAL, WOND
- Slovenia, Mostovna, Gallery Tir (March 8th) PORTRAIT, RES
- Croatia, Split, Gallery of Fine Arts, international feminist exhibition (February 1st - 21st) AGGR, "And Then... Nothing" + RES and WOND, (February 11th, 13th, 18th and 20th).
- Czech Republic, Prague, 5sGallery (February 04th to 28) WOND, AGGR
- Italy, Milan, .BOX space, (February 6th to 27th), AGGR
- Martinique, "Mois du Film Documentaire" (nov) ("Image, Animal, Image" et "Le Combat des Hommes Nus")
- Argentina, Museo de la Mujer, Exhibition "Emotions" (June) (Resistance)
- Portugal, Evora, Contemporary Art Center "Forum Eugenio de Almeida" - invited by Claudia Giannetti (stills from FemLink's videos with one of mine from the video "The We Game") 11 Jully - September
- Finland, Espoo, "Bike tour to New Media Art" - the 17-18 August" (And Then... Nothing + RES)
- Romania, Bucarest, National Museum of Contemporary Art (20 - ? June) topic: "Good Girls - Memory Desire Power" ( June ) curators : Olivia Nitis and Bojana Pejic (LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY)
- Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Center for Contemporary Art (June 2013) (TOO MUCH)
- Romania, Bucarest, "Galleries' Night" (24 May) (PREO - Caricatures)
- Bulgaria, Sofia International Paper Art Biennal (May 1st to June 1st) (ERASED WOMEN)
- Latvia, Riga, Center For Contemporary Art, March 4 to March 8 (all topics)
- USA Essex Art Center, Lawrence, MA (And Then... Nothing + RES-PREO-Caricatures) January to April
screening, the January 15th,FRAGILITY
screening, the February 12th, screening of PREOCCUPATION
In the gallery from April 26 - May 16th, (Caricatures)
In the gallery from May 17th - June 7th, RESISTANCE
- Ireland, Dublin, Centre for Creative Practices - March 8th (And Then... Nothing + RES- Caricatures)
- Poland, Warsaw, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle - KINO-LAB (4 months Cycle with "And Then... Nothing" + RES, PREO, Caricatures + AGGR, VITAL, WOND) - February 4th
- Cuba, Camaguey City, FICC - 24th to 28th April 2013 (And Then... Nothing + Caricatures)
- Serbia, Novi Sad, Studio M, VIDEOMEDEJA (Dec 14-16 2012) (Caricatures)
- Lebanon, Istikshaf, Montaigne Theatre, Nov 20th, (VITAL)
- USA, Essex Art Center, Lauwrence (MA) - December
- Argentina, Corrientes, Buenos Aires - Fiva, CENTRO CULTURAL ROJAS (oct) (THE “WE” GAME)
- Canada, Montréal, Festival du Nouveau Cinema et des Nouveaux Médias (October 8th and 13th) (The FIGHT)
- Mexico, Veracruz (June 5th) (Caricatures + AGG, VIT, PREO)
- Mexico, Mexico City, Casa Talavera - (May 9-June) (Caricatures + AGG, VIT, PREO)
- USA, Newark NJ - Gallery Aferro from11/5/2011-12/17/2011. Media Room, Liminal Space, Project Room, and Main Gallery. (THE « WE » GAME)
- Italie, Roma - Casa Internationale Delle Donne, 8 March (?)
- Greece, Athens - Booze Cooperativa, 4-5-6 March (Caricatures + And Then... Nothing + RES)
- Mexico, National Art-Centre of Mexico, 6 March to 30 March (Caricatures + AGG, VIT, PREO)
- India, Sattal Estate, Bhimtal - "Carnival of E. Creativity" - 25-25-26 February (AGGR)
- Slovenia, Ljubljana, Photon Gallery, 28 février (Caricatures)
- France, Lille, Auditorium Palais des Beaux Arts, (DEAD LETTERS)
- Canada, Moncton, FICFA, Gallerie Sans Nom, 17-26 November, (COMBAT DES HOMMES NUS)
- Cuba, Camaguey, International Video-Art Festival, 25-29 November (THE BATTLE OF NAKED MEN)
- Mexico, III SEMINARIO DE ARTE, GÉNERO, ESPACIO PUBLICO Y MIGRACIÓN Aula Magna del Centro Nacional de las Artes del INBA - October - (RES)
- China - Ningbo, DRHA-2011 Conference, 5-6 September (MALE)
- Lithuania, Kaunas, Gallery “Meno parkas”, 26 Jully 2011 to 10 August 2011, (Caricatures)
- USA , Laconia - New Hampshire, at the Historic Belknap Mill., July 14 (Caricatures)
- China, Hongkong, InDpanda Festival (August) - (TOO MUCH; Caricatures)
- Argentina, St Raphael, Mendoza - A+A Contemporary Art Gallery - Jully (AND THEN, THE TOTAL BLANK ; TOO MUCH ; THE « WE » GAME ; Caricatures)
- Lithuania, Kaunas, Art Festival „Kaunas in Art“ - Daugirdas amphitheatre 9 June - 19 and 26 Jully (TOO MUCH ; THE « WE » GAME ; Caricatures)
- France, Biennale Contemporary Art - Nîmes, Galerie 4 Barbiers - 27 June-30 Jully (WONDER)
- France - Marseille, Les Instants Nomades, oct (THE BATTLE OF NAKED MEN)»)
- Canada - Montreal - Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, 12 au 23 octobre 2011 (THE BATTLE OF NAKED MEN)»)
- Lithuania - Kaunas - Gallery “Meno parkas”, Kaunas - 12 April - 29 April (AND THEN, THE TOTAL BLANK )
- The Netherlands - TAC Art Center - 3-23 March (THE REASON TO HOPE; DEAD LETTERS; DOUBT)
- Cyprus - Artos Foundation - 8 March (THE REASON TO HOPE; DEAD LETTERS; DOUBT)
- USA - Rollstone Gallery - Fitchburg, MA - March 3 - April 15th, 2011 (THE REASON TO HOPE; DEAD LETTERS; DOUBT)
- United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Rotunda Gallery, AUD AND THEN, THE TOTAL BLANK ; TOO MUCH ; THE « WE » GAME ; Caricatures)
- United Arab Emirates - Dubai : XVA Gallery - Bastakiya - 8 March (AND THEN, THE TOTAL BLANK ; THE « WE » GAME ; Caricatures)
- France : ANNECY : Espace 60 - 8 March (Caricatures)
- Lithuania, Kaunas, the Gallery Meno Parkas - - 3 - 17 March - AND THEN, THE TOTAL BLANK ; TOO MUCH ; THE « WE » GAME ; Caricatures)
- USA - New-York, Hilton Hotel, WCA Confab, 10 February (Caricatures)
- Slovenia, Maribor - Cinema Kino Udarnik -
3 and 17 February (AND THEN, THE TOTAL BLANK )
7 and 21 April (Caricatures)
Véronique Sapin is a visual artist (videos, installations, photos, ink) and curator. Since 1995, her artworks participated in more than 250 events in forty countries (galleries, museums, art centers, biennials, festivals). She collaborates as a jury member in festivals (ex FNCNM in Montreal - October 2016); she chaired the jury of the WCA 5th International Video Shorts in Los Angeles; she takes part in conferences on video art (Lebanon, Philippines, Cyprus, Canada…). Véronique Sapin is also co-founder and coordinator of the international collective FemLink-Art since 2005 in which 143 artists from 63 countries have agreed to participate. She has initiated important partnerships with institutions such as UNESCO for the training of artists from the African continent.
Disciplines | Art Plastique, Installation, Livre d'artiste, Multimédia, réalité virtuelle, Peinture, Photographie |
Sujet | Composition abstraite, Création multimédia |
Techniques | Encre, Photographie, Vidéo |
Support et matériaux | Images numériques, Papier, Photographie, Toile |
Tendances | Abstraction |
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